
new training philosophy .. massage building

The massage:

Massage building is a new training philosophy developed by BNG.T :

1- The single massage

2- Dual massage and the effect of facial expressions

3- The addition of emotional massage with positive energy to support dual massage

4- The addition of emotional massage with negative energy to support dual massage

5- triple massage : more deep analysis and mind analysis power activation

6- the concept of massage and multiple meaning in practice , response and feed back , supporting the massage direction you want

7- some basic kills need ,waking interest , direct contact role.

8- unidirectional orientation , clear result or goal orientation

9- multidirectional orientation , unclear achievement orientation , doubt concept

10- Energy and factors affecting it

11- Mind power and its role in attitude ,

12- Emotional stability concept , working under pressure, concept punishments award ,technique you are about to reach , the ring of the bills

13- Marketing the idea : the orientation you want to support

14- The most professional behavior : your own secret

The massage:

Massage building is a part of a comprehensive training programs developed by BNG.T,the comprehensive program is referred to as BNG-CSKEMP –TP

The massage we speak or we listen can be divided according to several criteria such as :

1- The origin (from): self : direct speaker to us :third person to us (reporting):unknown origin to us : unknown origin to have general meaning involve us : unknown origin to have general meaning indicates general meaning

2- Orientation(To) : direct recipient : indirect recipient


4- PURPOSES :1- SITUATIONAL RESPONSE 2-TELLING 3-emotional relief 4-emotional effect 5-opening

5- Attitude : positive or negative

6- Goals within time : 1-instant 2-near 3-far

7- Effect psyche : negative emotion :positive emotion

8- Effect behavior : mind and emotions , conscious mind belief subconscious mind effect on behavior

9- Multiple meaning : skills lead to emotional stability through massage orientation

More you can find only at BNG.T

The program that have been prepared by analytical professionals and researchers